Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 3 Not so Good

Now everyone can see how big I really am, the nurse has her finger at 12"

Hi everyone, it's grandma. I just got in from the hospital where I sat with Lucas for several hours. When I arrived it was quickly apparent he was not having a good day. His heart rate was constantly just under 200 beats per minute and anything he didn't like would send it soaring into the 210-225 range. The nurse gave him a sedative to calm him down, but it only lowered it down into the 180 range. The average is 130-160 for him.

We would find out why when the doctor showed up. It turns out both Amber and Lucas's culture results had just come in and they were identified having a nasty infection from one strain of the Haemophilus bateria. Bad bug for the both of them, but especially for Lucas. The doctor informed Amber and Josh that little Lucas was going to get a spinal tap tonight to determine if the bug got into his spinal fluid. Please pray that it did not. This bug is very vicious and can cause meningitis, very dangerous for someone Lucas's age and size. The good news is it is a bateria and can be fought using antibiotics. The doctors had placed both Amber and Lucas on these drugs in anticipation of finding a bug, just not this bug. So Lucas's meds are being changed to attack this specific bug now. The doctor thinks this is part of the reason his heart rate is elevated and his fluid intake needs to be adjusted. Lucas did receive another round of platelets today to keep him strong.

Amber is improving and still very sore from the spinal block and needs strong drugs for the pain. Hopefully this will improve quickly. Josh was showered, shaved, and in clean clothes. I almost didn't recognize him.

I have a few more pictures today. The baby will be under the blue suntaning lights for a bit while he combats a high billirubin count.

Tough Night for Amber and Josh

I just heard from Amber and Josh, Amber had a really rough night (so did Josh), it was due to a lot of back pain. Amber had a rough time in surgery with the spinal block. They tried 6 times before the doctor was successful and boy is that painful. Also I guess the nurse on duty last night for Amber wouldn't show up when called for meds or assistance. I heard Josh got so mad he tracked her down and let her know he was very upset. Amber will be staying another night for pain management and antibiotics.
We heard the baby had a good night and is due for the doctors to visit at noon. Josh and Amber will be there for the assessment. Everything is looking good for Lucas, the nurse said he really gets mad with a diaper change. Mommy and daddy will be there for the next one, so maybe they will continue to have better luck with keeping Lucas calm.