Friday, May 22, 2009

I Just Ate; It's Time For My Nap

Amber and I went to the hospital around 4pm to take care of his daily 4pm cares, ie. changing the diaper, feeding, and measurements. So far Lucas is still on the assisted CPAP and has his scary moments (at least scary to us) where he forgets to breath and his heart slows down and he turns blue. For those who have not witnessed this kind of excitement, it takes about 30 seconds for Lucas to turn a vivid deep blue. The nurses are use to it, we are not. I thought I would need a heart monitor after a few blue turns by my grandson. The nurses say this is normal for a baby Lucas's size. My thoughts on this is to tell Lucas to just get bigger in a hurry. Overall Lucas is holding his own. We found out his white count is down and his billiruben is slightly up, so blue lights it is. The rest of his bloodwork is looking okay, so they will repeat it in the morning. Amber got to hold Lucas for the 2nd time and he was mad at the nurse for messing with him after lunch. All he wanted was a nap. Tonight he weighed the same, no gain, no loss.

Not Such A Good Night

We talked to the night nurse and she said Lucas had trouble with the CPAP all night so the doctor has ordered tests. It could be the infection is back stronger or something else. Also he did not digest his food last night so I guess it will be a rough spot for Lucas again. Hopefully it is minor and controllable. He may need to go back on the ventilator if it becomes too difficult to breath again.