Daddy spent the morning with Lucas on Monday, while mommy went off to work with her old boss. He was nice and gave Amber her job back after the other clinic replace her while out on maternity leave.
Anyways while Josh was at the hospital two doctors approached him and told him they had set up a meeting for Thursday with the whole team and parents; I was invited too. Apparently, the two doctors told Josh that Lucas most likely will have a serious disability in addition to Ceribal Palsy. They told him this was from the brain bleed and that occurred from contracting the haemophilus bateria. They continued to tell daddy all the nasty things that occur with this type of illness for preemies. Needless to say, daddy was devastated. Grandma had to meet him on the way home and buy him a drink. Amber didn't take the news well either.
For me, I am well aware of all the risks and probabilities and closely watching Lucas. He still shows no signs of the severity the doctors spoke of and yet the doctors say he has a 90% chance of experiencing these disabilities. I have questions so I guess we will see what they say on Thursday. Of course there is the chance Lucas could be in the 10% range, I don't know, but I am watching.
I spent the day with Lucas, he had his diaper changed 2 times by grandma, and now that he is being fed by a timed-released method, the dcells have diminished to almost nil. Lucas spent 40 minutes awake watching me watch him. He sucked on his binky for about 15 minutes just before he went back to sleep.
Tonight mommy and daddy showed up after Amber got off work. I could see that they were still upset by the doctor's report and it showed. Neither Amber or Josh have slept much from hearing the possible outcome on Lucas. Prayer's are needed and reassurance that Lucas has the hand of the Lord upon him. Let's pray Lucas is in the 10% range and the Lord won't give the kids anything they can't handle.