Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mommy and Daddy Celebrate Tonight

Amber just called and said the baby is doing great! In fact, the nurse weened the vent down to 21% and if Lucas keeps tolerating it he should be off of it by next week sometime. Also, the nurse removed one of the monitoring devices. I believe it monitored a part of his breathing. Of course Amber and Josh said Lucas was much calmer after it was removed. Josh was jumping for joy when Lucas's night nurse allowed Josh to pick up Lucas for his evening weigh in; and surprise surprise, guess who gained an ounce! Yep, Lucas is up an ounce. I can see why Josh and Amber are so excited tonight. Of course this is the night I stayed home and missed it. Hopefully the kids got pics for me. I bought them a camera to keep all of us in the loop when I am not there to take them. Well I am calling it a night with all this great news. Good night everyone.

Day 4 is a Better Day

Well Lucas finally calmed down this morning and has been good all day. Unfortunately the doctor could not get the spinal tap done, Lucas was just not hydrated enough to be successful, they will try again tomorrow. I arrived around 3:30 this afternoon to find Lucas mad at his nurse. She had me scrub up and place my hand on top of body (it almost covered all of him) and stop him from frailing around. He calmed right down for grandma. I had the magic touch! He is sooooooo little we were taught not to stroke his skin, or make any loud noises; both would hurt him. We have found Lucas doesn't like the noises of the alarms on the equipment. He also likes to pull his little mask off to see out, but he will be under the lights until his bruising has stopped and his billiruben is gone. The good news is it was down today.
Amber is much better today and will be discharged from the hospital by midnight tonight. I got them a room at the motel across the street for the next two nights. Hopefully then we will know more regarding our little boy. Amber needs to supply milk for the hospital so it is more convienent being so close rather than almost an hour away. We will have pics later tonight.

It Takes Two