Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a Day

The word from the doctors are Lucas's ultrasound indicates a grade 4 brain bleed; not good. The good news is he is showing no symptoms of this type of bleed. It is in fact a puzzle to the doctors and they are shocked at the results. Of course this freaked Amber, Josh, and grandma out a bit. Doctor R said they have no way of determining when or why this happened, but they are prepared to act if necessary. There are some serious complications possible with this diagnosis. However, Lucas continues to surprise us each day. Today he decided to remove his own ventilation tube, so the doctors placed him back on the CPAP and so far he is doing well with it. Time will tell! Good news he was held by mommy for over an hour today.....his first time out of the box. He loved it so well he fell asleep and forgot to breath, mommy had to gently stimulate him to wake up a bit and breath. I have some great pictures of him being held, taken by daddy. Please continue to pray for Lucas's remarkable progress and that his little brain will recover from the bleed without complications. Thank you to everyone that is supporting Lucas, Mommy, and daddy.

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