Today we all met with the head pediatrician, Dr R and the neurologist, Dr C, we discussed the future outcomes possible with Lucas and what and when we could expect. His brain bleed is greater on the left side, but still present on the right. It is starting to reabsorb, but it will be a slow process over an approximate 8 week period; just the same if you or I got a large deep bruise. It is in the Parietal Lobe of the brain, what cell are affected we and the doctors won't know for a while. What we do know is the cell that are damaged will not work, some cells in the brain are in reserve, so to speak, but if they are able to "Fill in" they won't function at the same level or rate that the original ones were programed for. We just won't know until he was suppose to be able to do something and he can not. The thing with preemies is they are behind in achievements anyways so we don't really know what the calendar dates will be.
We did get to do his 6pm cares and right on cue he woke up and began to play. The pictures are of him waking up. Also Amber got a syringe with milk in it tonight and was able to put some in his mouth. Lucas loved it! To watch him was funny. He just sat there waiting for more. He loved it in his mouth. This will be the first big test after he comes off the ventilator. Dr R says it will most likely be Saturday when she comes back from her days off. She wants to be there when Lucas comes off. Of course Lucas can change the plans. If you look at the pictures you will see he loves to grab hold of his tube and has been known to put it out himself. The doctor says if he does it again they will leave it out. After getting back on the CPAP they will start to introduce him to more breast milk orally and move towards bottle feedings. The suck, swallow, and breath condition will be the first major hurdle coming up. So far the neurological pathways at this level are intact. We pray for the next level too!
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