Well just got word from the kids that they met with the daytime doctor in charge, and she told the kids Baby Lucas is doing much better. His billiruben count is now in half from where it was and his white count is starting to come down, not a lot but enough to indicate improvement. The doctor also told the kids Lucas should be off the vent by next week and on a CPAP, which will assist him breathing, but at least he will get the tube out. Today he will get another spinal tap attempt, lets pray it is successful and it is a negative results test. There's more! Lucas will have a belly button arterial line removed today and they will place a pick line in to give meds as needed. This is a big win for Lucas! The doctor said Amber and Josh should be able to hold Lucas sometime next week if he continues to make the progress he is now. They were sooooo excited to hear this! I am uploading the pics that Amber took, but they are fuzzy. If I knew she was so shaky I would have retaken them. We will have more tonight! Right now I am getting the house professionally cleaned for them. Poor Amber has been on bedrest for a while and Josh has been working around the clock and trying to do it all. This will be a nice surprise for them both.
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