Well Mother's Day kicked off way different than expected. Amber was sick all night and in the morning when I went too work Mom took over taking care of Amber. By 10am Amber started feeling some very painful contractions and mom rushed her too the hospital. She was admitted immediately and the doctors began meds to stop the contractions; we would learn later that she and the baby were in trouble. For some unknown reason the uterus had contracted an infection and the baby needed to come out. Drs prepared for the birth and at 11:24 pm Lucas James Thomas 2.6 lbs made his debut into our lifes. Little but strong! The crazy kid had tied the umbilical cord around his neck and had grabbed the cord with his hand and everytime a contraction would occur he would squeeze the cord too, but our doctors were prepared for that too. He came out a little blue, but within seconds they had him pinked up. His head was pretty bruised up from the birth and you will see it in the pictures.
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